
Showing posts from May, 2019

Gold Nugget #9

To the anxious analytical thinker: There were times in my life where I would anxiously anticipate when another test or trial would come my way. "Is it gonna be my job, Lord? School? A friend? My love life? What area of my life am I going to experience failure or a let down next? What do I need to watch for??" As I experience normal transitions/seasons in life, I reflect on what I've learned in regards to this and nothing says it better than this: Fear God and obey His commandments (Ecc. 12:13). Simple yet meaty. Don't worry about tomorrow, or what bad can happen. Live in today and do your best to TRUST God in the most practical ways. Do your best to do good and let go of the contolling tendency to anticipate the future or what will happen. Forgive today. Don't gossip today. Say, "good morning" or "thanks so much" today. And trust God. It's amazing how much peace this produces at the end of a day.