Welcome & About Me


Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope that you will read something that will push you closer to Christ! I just wanted to let you know that everything I write I am currently experiencing or have experienced. A lot of this writing serves as reminders for me to keep allowing the perfect God to perfect me, so it's ministering to me too! I don't write as if I have attained, I just write in hopes that others will be encouraged in the same way I have been. I hope that you are praying for me as much as I am praying for everyone who visits this blog. God bless and strengthen you!

About Me

          My name is Kimberly Walker. I am a mom, sister, friend, accountability partner, and lover of Jesus Christ.

          My passions include writing and speaking on topics relating to the Word of God or Christian living. I did this throughout my college years in life-changing campus ministries. I served on the praise and worship teams in those ministries and in churches for some time. I have also served as a peer-mentor and on servant leadership teams. For all of that, I am thankful! Not for the ability to call myself a leader, but to receive the accountability I had in order to produce much-needed growth that I am still reaping the benefits from today! My testimony and story isn't without its hang-ups, but it is still being written. I'm striving to glorify God and I look forward to the many changing and edifying seasons this life has to bring. In the end, the goal is a life poured out completely and honorably. You may follow my journey here to see how the story continues to unfold!

Grace and Peace


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