“You Would’ve Found Contentment In Me If You Would’ve Waited…”

Focus Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6

This week is all about contentment! Specifically, I want to focus on contentment with our love lives.

I’m going to start it off with a post I should’ve published 2 years and 6 months ago. I was single, working in a job and field that I’d always wanted to work in and I was taking some spring courses in college. My prayer life was very active and striving and I had cut off all distractions in my life. It’s funny how prioritizing a few key areas in our lives can significantly change our outlooks and output. Anyways, my mindset was in the right place and all I needed was consistency. Hear my heart then and I will update on this in the next post for this series.

“But godliness with contentment is great gain.”

For years this was such a difficult thing for me to master. I look back now, still single, thinking about times in the past where I’ve said, “Lord, if I’m single at 30 years old, I’m just not even going to bother anymore.” I felt like I should be married and start on a family way before then. So if it didn’t happen before then, I would just totally give up on my desire for marriage and walk through life with my head hung down when it came to my singleness.

I’m really happy to report that as I’m writing this entry at 26 years old, still single (and no prospects in sight! Lol), I have a completely different mindset. And contrary to popular belief, it is not because I haven’t had the opportunity to entertain things that I knew would not last and was not the will of God. On the contrary, I am very dedicated to the hope that perhaps one day I might be married if it is the will of God. So if that’s the case, my intent on not entertaining just anyone – especially to ease the pain of the possibility that I’d be labeled a spinster for the rest of my life – comes from the desire to wait on God’s perfect vessel and timing for me in that area. In other words, I’m single now because that is the way the Lord would have it for me right now and most importantly – I’m happy with His decision. This is the basis of my contentment with my love life. And in all honesty, it took many falls and downfalls to get to this frame of mind and I am vigilantly determined to preserve this mindset in me. I fought hard with and against the Lord to get here and I won’t let discontentment take it away from me along with the blessings, peace, and freedom that comes with it.

So my beloved reader, whom I will pray earnestly for the Lord to create this mindset in you as well, I write this entry with so much compassion and empathy for you. I was right where you are! And I must add that I am no different at all, I’ve just been graced to see God’s grace in all the falls I took to get here. And I truly desire the same mindset for you because I know of the goodness that comes from continual submission to the will of God in every stage of our lives. That’s really what contentment is you know. 


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